
Archive for March, 2012|Monthly archive page

My new big idea

In Uncategorized on March 17, 2012 at 3:53 pm

This week I came up with the big idea for my work.

I am making an installation of a web. I am a spider, collecting human memories and weaving them in space.   I think it is an all encompassing idea of all things i like to make,and have made… i think it brings a STRUCTURE, to my work… which in the past has seemed a bit random.  

I have always been attracted to organic structure and form, as I walk through my daily life.  I gather these organic images through memory and drawing, my head is completely full of them at this point..  I have tried to be an abstract painter, just making… but I also love nice children’s illustrations of animals, and people, and portraits, and now I would like to connect them in a paradoxical happening. These are some ideas that I am working with:  the childlike wonder lust of exploring the stars, the universe, and going to the moon.  All the dreams of the people, falling into space.

I sent my eye into space

I sent my monster into space

I sent my dreams into space

I am space, I am the universe


Foxes on my mind…

In Uncategorized on March 9, 2012 at 2:52 pm

I was having a relaxing afternoon drawing with crayons, and decided to make some foxes.  I have seen foxes trotting around my neighborhood at night, which especially pleases me, and somehow they found their way into this warm inner world… including the bat.

This is a new process…

In Uncategorized on March 7, 2012 at 12:10 am

This is a new project that I am working on.  I am was inspired by a paper installation that I saw recently… and decided that it would be a good process to make tree-like bark in my painting.  So here it goes.. I have been folding and gluing the pieces with gel matte medium, giving it kind of a pop up book look… which is fun for me, since I really enjoy pop up books.